Officials - General Information Click here to Signup...

As described in the Registration Package, we need all hands on deck to run a successful meet. Your participation is essential to the success of our swimmer’s experience as they enjoy the thrill of racing. 

For the Dr. Ralph Hickens invitational each family in The Mississauga Aquatic Club is required to work the number of volunteer sessions as listed below.  In general, each session lasts 3 to 4 hours.  If there's more than one swimmer in your family, base your sessions on the most senior program.

youth Bronze III Bronze II Bronze I Senior Devep. Silver II Silver I Senior Gold I
1 3 3 4 2 4 5 4 5

Families may also be asked to provide food for the officials and coaches. These details will be provided in advance via your Parent Rep. 



What should you wear?


Sign-up for officiating jobs and session times through the website link below.  We encourage everyone to register as early as possible as sessions and positions will be filled on a first-come basis.  If the request you submitted cannot be fulfilled you will hear back from the Club's Officials Chair within 3 days.  Otherwise, assume that your request was accepted.

Signing up is easy!  On the sign-up form, all you need to do is fill in your contact information and your swimmer's name. Then for each session that you will be attending, click the checkbox for that session and select your first choice for a position.  Note that some of the positions require training, so don't sign-up for jobs you're not qualified for.  If you are "Strokes and Turns Qualified" please select the check box on the form.

Click here to Signup...